Author: CherylMarie

Posted in Writing

Do You Think You Don’t Have Time to Write a Book?

The Importance of Editing Your book
Posted in Editing Your Book

The Importance of Editing Your Book

One of the biggest mistakes a new author can make is to publish a book they’ve edited…

Posted in Creating a Vision Board Manifesting Writing

How to Make a Digital Vision Board Online

If you’re like me, you love the idea of creating a vision board to help focus on…

Self Discipline for Authors
Posted in Comfort Zone Self-Discipline

Why Self-Discipline is Important to You as an Author

Every day we all have choices to make. Like, do you wake up early and work on…

Gain Clairity in your writing
Posted in Gain Clairity Writing Tips and Tricks

10 Simple Tips for Authors: How to Get Clarity in Your Writing

Does your mind ever feel like you’re continually turning the dial on the radio, but all you…

Is your comfort zone holding you back as an author?
Posted in Comfort Zone Limiting Beliefs

Is Staying in Your Comfort Zone Bubble Holding You Back as an Author?

We’ve all heard a lot recently about getting out of our comfort zone – that to stop…

Get Out of Your Own Way
Posted in Resistance

5 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way and Get Important Things Done

My grandmother was a fantastic woman. She believed in getting important things done and letting non-important things…

Plan your book in a weekend
Posted in Writing

Can you plan your book in a weekend: Part 2

Ok, let’s keep going. If you have not done a brain dump and organized the information under…

Posted in Writing

Can you plan your book in a weekend? Part 1.

When I ran my first beta test for the ‘Write Your Inspirational Book YOUR Way and Go…

Get rid of Limiting Beliefs
Posted in Limiting Beliefs Positive Attitude

5 Ways to Program or Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Learn how to rid yourself of limiting beliefs.