Gain Clairity in your writing

10 Simple Tips for Authors: How to Get Clarity in Your Writing

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Does your mind ever feel like you’re continually turning the dial on the radio, but all you get is white noise? You know what station you’re trying to tune into, but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get there. 

Another name for what’s happening to you is the dreaded “Writer’s Block.” (In another article, I’m going to debunk the myths regarding writer’s block,) but for now, let’s talk about some ways to stop writer’s block before it stops you.

Let’s go back to using the radio analogy. What if you could instantly find that signal, and think more clearly, and write more precisely whenever you wanted or needed to? 

Here are my ten simple tips for gaining clarity in your writing: 

1- Go for a walk 

What does going for a walk have to doing with finding clarity in your writing? It’s a fair question. I find that when my brain is only getting white noise on the radial dial, I’m into my own head too much. Taking a walk will clear your head. Usually, when you’re experiencing a brain freeze, it’s because you have too many thoughts fighting for dominance all at the same time. Having a change of scenery and getting your heart rate up will contribute to your thinking more clearly when you sit back down to work. 

2- Declutter your workspace 

Having a cluttered external environment contributes to a cluttered internal environment! When you have files and paperwork all over your desk and your writing space is a mess, you’ll have issues finding what you need when you need it. It also means you won’t find the words you need easily either. When you have a bright, open space, you can focus much better. If you find yourself consistently unable to tune in to the channel you want, declutter your space and see if that helps. 

3- Eliminate sugar from your diet

Studies have been done on sugar and simple carbohydrates – and scientists have proven that they make it much harder to focus. After you eat sugary foods, your blood sugar spikes, leading to irritability and brain fog. To make matters worse, once your blood sugar crashes again, you may experience mood swings, anxiety and lethargy. For myself, eating too much sugar or simple carbs makes me sleepy, which is not conducive to writing well.

If you can, try eliminating sugar from your diet to improve mental clarity and better writing. If you find you can’t eliminate them completely from your diet, try to eat proteins and vegetables and wait at least 30 minutes before resuming your writing.

4- Get more sleep

Sleep experts recommend adults receive between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Sadly, they found that for most of us, we’re getting much less than that. One of the most profound effects of sleep deprivation is brain freeze or brain fog. If you regularly have issues with mental clarity, consider slowly working more sleep into your night, For example, sleep experts say we should all be in bed by 11:00 p.m. because our bodies regenerate from midnight until 5 a.m.  Create a sleep routine of your own. For example, have half a glass of wine, soak in a warm tub, read a book or listen to a book on tape. Don’t exercise before going to bed as that causes hormonal shifts and will keep you awake.By creating and following your own bedtime ritual, your body will begin getting sleepy as soon as you pour that glass of wine, and run the bath. You’ll sleep better, too. 

If you find yourself feeling sleepy during the day, don’t try to fight it. Take a ‘power nap’: Closing your eyes and dozing off for 15 to 20 minutes mid-day has the following benefits: It will boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy level instantly and can have profound effects of maintaining your energy level. 

5- Meditate

Meditation is another excellent way to help gain mental clarity. Even if you don’t have much time on your hands, you don’t have to sit for hours in lotus position on the floor to benefit from meditation. Closing your eyes and focusing solely on your breath for as little as sixty seconds can boost your brainpower! 

6- Write in your journal

One of the most efficient ways to clear your brain is to do a brain dump, where you write all your thoughts in your journal. 

Set a timer and let your ideas flow. Whether you choose to type your thoughts or write them down on paper is up to you. Releasing your thoughts will help you organize and prioritize what needs your attention right away versus what can wait.  Another way to raise your vibrational level and gain clarity is to write in your journal 1-50 things you’re grateful for each day. (If finding 50 things seems too big to you, start with 1 thing a day, and you can work up from there. When you are consciously in gratitude, your vibrational level is raised, and you will find yourself writing in flow. (In other words, your thoughts become clearer and the words flow out of you much easier.) 

7- Make decisions quickly 

Analysis paralysis occurs when you have too many options. You wind up spending so much time weighing the pros and cons of each, leading to inaction and brain fog. While carefully considering details is usually a good thing, in excess, this will weigh you down and slow your progress down to a standstill. When you must make a decision and find yourself stuck, set a timer for ten or fifteen minutes – whatever feels right for your situation. Force yourself to decide as soon as the timer goes off. Making quick decisions will free your mind and help you think more clearly.

8- Cross something off your “to-do” list

If you have a lot of responsibility in your life and have competing obligations, brain freeze is inevitable. To free up your mental capacity, try freeing up your schedule. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish and tackle the simplest things first. As you free up your time, you’ll find clarity in your thoughts. 

9- Reduce your caffeine intake

While a little caffeine can give you energy, increase focus and therefore heighten productivity, taking too much caffeine into your system has the opposite effect. If you’ve been drinking too much caffeine and find your mind racing, it may be time to cut back. Consider opting for another energy-boosting technique that has cleaner results – such as going outside for a brisk walk, or taking a power nap. 

10- Make sure your basic physical needs are being met

When your body is dehydrated, hot or cold, hungry, sick or tired, decision-making is harder. Make sure your basic needs are being met. If you need physical care, you’ll have a much more challenging time organizing your thoughts. If you need a break, take one. If you’re thirsty, stop and take a drink – in fact, keeping water nearby is a good idea, because most people don’t drink enough.

These are simple tips, but they work. If you experience brain freeze, or brain fog, you’ll find these tips can help you put your thoughts together more clearly and lead to you gaining more mental clarity in your writing – and your life.

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