Create a Vision Board to Create a Bright Future

5 Ways a Vision Board Can Help You to Write Your Book

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Let’s start with a few questions. 

Question #1: Do you set goals and milestones for yourself through the entire process of writing your book? 

If you don’t set goals and the milestones to achieve them, how do you know if you’re making progress? And how will you stay motivated to keep going when things get tough?

Question #2: When was the last time you permitted yourself to dream about what happens when your book is written and published? Or, for that matter, about what you want your ideal life to look like?

Question #3: What is your WHY, the reason behind all the long hours you spend writing your book?

And question #4, What do you want to happen after your book is written and published?

Now you may be asking yourself what these questions have to do with vision boards, and how they can help you write your book?

What is a Vision Board and What is its Purpose?

A vision board is simply another tool you can use to bring your dreams into reality.

A vision board helps you to visualize your dreams, your goals, and even your milestones.  

And as we know, to create (or manifest) any outcome, first, you have to have a dream. A dream becomes the vision, and you begin to take action steps (milestones) that will help you achieve your goals, and so, your dream.

Here’s How a Vision Board can Help:

Vision boards help you focus on what’s important to you. And just so you know, whether you combine a personal vision board with a professional one or keep them separate, thinking about what you want in life or in business, aids in prioritizing what’s important. Do you want to buy your first house or move to a warmer climate? Do you finally want to take action and write your book? Putting a photo of your dream location by the beach, or a mock-up of your soon-to-be-written book cover, will inspire you to work harder and not undercut your prices. If you want to move, or get help writing your book, you alone can make that happen and you’ll make better business decisions based on those desires.

What does Visualization Do Exactly?

Visualization stimulates the left side – the creative side – of your brain. Placing your vision board in sight of your desk or computer serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve. Alternately, some believe keeping it open by your nightstand helps stimulate your subconscious before you go to bed, which motivates you upon waking. Whichever way you want to keep your vision board, you’ll soon find your creativity soaring, so keep a notebook handy so you can jot down any ideas you have for a new course or coaching program you want to create, or any other ideas that come to you.

What about Taking Action?

Focusing on goals and the mini-milestones that will lead to you accomplishing those goals, opens your eyes to new resources or opportunities. Visualizing yourself writing and publishing your book will motivate you to work towards that goal. And you’ll also find yourself noticing new resources or opportunities which can lead you to reach your goal faster and easier. These resources may have always been present but now that you’re focused on your goal, you will see them in a new light: as a way to help you reach your intended goal.

What Type of Goals are Best?

Break out of your comfort zone by stating a big, scary goal. Are you stuck in a rut because you’re afraid to break out of your comfort zone?

Acknowledging big goals – as scary and outrageous as they may be – will help you step out and take on new challenges, all in the name of reaching that scary goal.

If your goal is to speak in front of an audience of 5,000 at your favorite conference, then by creating a vision board, and focusing on the goals and milestones, you’ll see more opportunities for smaller speaking engagements.

These smaller gigs will give you lots of practice and build your name recognition so when the organizers of your favorite conference advertise they’re looking for speakers, you’ll be well prepared to submit your name.

Why Set a Big Goal?

Setting a big goal forces you out of the daydream and into action. Nothing happens without some action on your part.

Vision boards are not magic tricks; they are instead a tool that spurs us into action because we finally know what we want out of life.

Visualize your ideal life first, then approach each day with action steps that will lead you toward your goals and even milestones that lead you to your ideal life. 

Aside from these reasons, creating vision boards can be very relaxing and a fun family activity. So grab the scissors, some glue and some old magazines and start daydreaming!

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